(too old to reply)
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-04-23 01:26:00 UTC
To all I've hurt, to all my ego has questioned, to all I've ignored, to all
I've betrayed and to all that respect the subject header.

I fight no racists, mockers, haters anymore. You are who you are and there
is no room inside my mind for your thinking.

Witty banter I love. Open minded debate I love. Life I love

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. I choose to live mine,
from this day onwards, with love and respect for everyone who offers the
same in return.

My space is your space if your space is my space

It's really that simple.


2009-04-23 01:35:39 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
To all I've hurt, to all my ego has questioned, to all I've ignored, to all
I've betrayed and to all that respect the subject header.
I fight no racists, mockers, haters anymore.  You are who you are and there
is no room inside my mind for your thinking.
Witty banter I love.  Open minded debate I love.  Life I love
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  I choose to live mine,
from this day onwards, with love and respect for everyone who offers the
same in return.
My space is your space if your space is my space
It's really that simple.
Bravo! I'm with you Gary!
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-04-23 16:20:39 UTC
Post by luvharley
Bravo! I'm with you Gary!
most of the planet are..... not in a egotistical way.... just in a humane

the thing is with these racists..... they'd spit in their eyes if they could
but beg them to save a dying relatives life if the only doctor available was

complete hypocrisy:(

They have zero moral guidance within themselves..... they're pretty fucking

Someone posted that I was a pussy.....:) I'm more of a man than he'll ever

I've shared rooms with murderers, robbers, walked the slumps of Rio De
Janeiro, travelled around many parts of Africa..... In fact.... I've been to
lots of the places a pussy wouldn't dare breath......:)

Nah.... a pussy I'm not:) In the past few years I've hurt a lot of people
in the groups that I've posted to:( In MANY different ways. Some
financially, some emotionally and some physically......

It takes a REAL MAN to say sorry

Peace & love to YOU, D and don't forget the coffee and cakes!
2009-04-23 17:53:09 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
It takes a REAL MAN to say sorry
Peace & love to YOU, D and don't forget the coffee and cakes!
You are so right about that...I wish I knew more guys like you...
and no I won't forget...
xo D
2009-04-23 19:21:11 UTC
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 17:20:39 +0100, "The Cobblers Apprentice"
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Post by luvharley
Bravo! I'm with you Gary!
most of the planet are..... not in a egotistical way.... just in a humane
the thing is with these racists..... they'd spit in their eyes if they could
but beg them to save a dying relatives life if the only doctor available was
complete hypocrisy:(
They have zero moral guidance within themselves..... they're pretty fucking
Someone posted that I was a pussy.....:) I'm more of a man than he'll ever
I've shared rooms with murderers, robbers, walked the slumps of Rio De
Janeiro, travelled around many parts of Africa..... In fact.... I've been to
lots of the places a pussy wouldn't dare breath......:)
'Breathe'. In this case, it matters.
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Nah.... a pussy I'm not:) In the past few years I've hurt a lot of people
in the groups that I've posted to:( In MANY different ways. Some
financially, some emotionally and some physically......
Did you return their money?
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
It takes a REAL MAN to say sorry
Yes, but others have to make that claim for you. You can't say it
about yourself. It's like saying 'I'm a good husband'. It's why we
can't write our own paychecks or decide what the meal's worth.
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Peace & love to YOU, D and don't forget the coffee and cakes!
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-04-23 21:48:37 UTC
Post by gemjack
'Breathe'. In this case, it matters.
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Nah.... a pussy I'm not:) In the past few years I've hurt a lot of people
in the groups that I've posted to:( In MANY different ways. Some
financially, some emotionally and some physically......
Did you return their money?
Some folk emailed and said 'I was expecting an original' My standard reply
used to be something along the lines of.... Originals would have cost 5-10 x
more so I thought the price would indicate that they're repos. Happy to
refund if you want wish. There weren't many complaints though given the
quality and price involved. But yes.... refunded those that requested.

I used to sell this for $60-70 (the original would cost $300+) Can you tell
the diff? The discs alone used to cost me $3 each.... and then look at the
quality of the creft.... This aint no cut 'n paste jobby.....

Post by gemjack
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
It takes a REAL MAN to say sorry
Yes, but others have to make that claim for you. You can't say it
about yourself. It's like saying 'I'm a good husband'. It's why we
can't write our own paychecks or decide what the meal's worth.
When you come from where I've come.... you lose the ability to interact with
others..... it's like learning to walk all over again! Fun but full of ups
& downs...

Every day I'm learning something new! Yesterday I was twitchy for a while
because someone didn't reply to an email I'd sent.... I kept thinking I'd
upset them by it's contents..... It turned out they were having an excellent
night listening to a band and I was just regressing to a insecure fool....:)

T'is all about knowledge for me now.... learning how to act in the real
world without upsetting others....

Try going to prison for a year...(my bad for cracking a safe but the time
was justice enough) ...... getting seriously fucked up by the scum that
populate the place.... coming out..... drowning it out with drink & drugs &
travel.... moving from town to town..... suspicious of all that surround
you..... unable to settle for longer than a few months then off again......
15/16 years I was a fukin mess.... Shrinks couldn't tell me anything I
didn't already know... so it was all up to me.......

That ain't a whinge.... it's a realisation of who I was and the only way I
feel I can do that is by putting it out in the open.... My life is ok
now.... I live on the oceans and rest easy with the world....
2009-04-23 21:55:37 UTC
'Breathe'.  In this case, it matters.
Nah.... a pussy I'm not:)  In the past few years I've hurt a lot of people
in the groups that I've posted to:(  In MANY different ways.  Some
financially, some emotionally and some physically......
Did you return their money?
Some folk emailed and said 'I was expecting an original'  My standard reply
used to be something along the lines of.... Originals would have cost 5-10 x
more so I thought the price would indicate that they're repos.  Happy to
refund if you want wish.  There weren't many complaints though given the
quality and price involved.  But yes.... refunded those that requested.
I used to sell this for $60-70 (the original would cost $300+)  Can you tell
the diff?  The discs alone used to cost me $3 each.... and then look at the
quality of the creft.... This aint no cut 'n paste jobby.....
It takes a REAL MAN to say sorry
Yes, but others have to make that claim for you.  You can't say it
about yourself.  It's like saying 'I'm a good husband'.  It's why we
can't write our own paychecks or decide what the meal's worth.
When you come from where I've come.... you lose the ability to interact with
others..... it's like learning to walk all over again!  Fun but full of ups
& downs...
Every day I'm learning something new!  Yesterday I was twitchy for a while
because someone didn't reply to an email I'd sent.... I kept thinking I'd
upset them by it's contents..... It turned out they were having an excellent
night listening to a band and I was just regressing to a insecure fool....:)
T'is all about knowledge for me now.... learning how to act in the real
world without upsetting others....
Try going to prison for a year...(my bad for cracking a safe but the time
was justice enough) ...... getting seriously fucked up by the scum that
populate the place.... coming out..... drowning it out with drink & drugs &
travel.... moving from town to town..... suspicious of all that surround
you..... unable to settle for longer than a few months then off again......
15/16 years I was a fukin mess.... Shrinks couldn't tell me anything I
didn't already know... so it was all up to me.......
That ain't a whinge.... it's a realisation of who I was and the only way I
feel I can do that is by putting it out in the open....  My life is ok
now.... I live on the oceans and rest easy with the world....
Great post. Hey, I learned a new word. Whinge. I think I'm a whinge at
times (because of my husband who says he loves me but won't call. lol)
The Nice Mean Man
2009-04-23 06:30:41 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
To all I've hurt, to all my ego has questioned, to all I've ignored, to all
I've betrayed and to all that respect the subject header.
I fight no racists, mockers, haters anymore.  You are who you are and there
is no room inside my mind for your thinking.
Witty banter I love.  Open minded debate I love.  Life I love
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  I choose to live mine,
from this day onwards, with love and respect for everyone who offers the
same in return.
My space is your space if your space is my space
It's really that simple.
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-04-23 16:03:21 UTC
"The Nice Mean Man" <***@aol.com> wrote in message news:64d0092f-ac9d-40a5-b4d6-***@37g2000yqp.googlegroups.com...

It's spelt 'Niger'

Love you x
The Nice Mean Man
2009-04-24 01:34:13 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
It's spelt 'Niger'
Love you x
No it isn't. Niggers do live in Niger, Africa. The original blue-gum
Variety, I'm talkin` about....

The Nice Mean Man

2009-04-23 10:36:07 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
To all I've hurt, to all my ego has questioned, to all I've ignored, to all
I've betrayed and to all that respect the subject header.
I fight no racists, mockers, haters anymore.  You are who you are and there
is no room inside my mind for your thinking.
Witty banter I love.  Open minded debate I love.  Life I love
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  I choose to live mine,
from this day onwards, with love and respect for everyone who offers the
same in return.
My space is your space if your space is my space
It's really that simple.
What a pussy. Fuck off Cocksucker's Apprentice.
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-04-23 15:57:03 UTC
Post by Me
Cocksucker's Apprentice.
Would you like me to scratch any itches for you sweetheart?

love you x