(too old to reply)
2008-05-06 18:42:05 UTC
I flew into Houston, Texas, just for this May 4th, Dark Side
the Moon concert.

Roger absolutely rocked out. It was scary how enthralled
and mesmerized we all were by this man's genius. All 16,550
tickets sold out at the Woodlands Pavilion. Both Roger and David
Gilmour know the power of the "Dark Side", both in terms of
getting people to go to the shows, and for introducing new/solo
material to the audience.

The large main projection screen (no Pink Floyd circle) in
the back started off with a bottle of whiskey next to a radio, as
the crowd slowly filled in the seats. Then a hand appears, pours
itself a drink, and dials the knob through the stations, sampling
Jazz and Country, and skipping the Disco. Obviously this was
Mr. Waters playing disk jockey, while tipping his hat to his "Radio
album, and setting up for "Wish You Were Here", which would
come later in the concert. Very creative start.

And then the set list:

1. In The Flesh?

The no-brainer choice for the beginning of a
Roger Waters concert. People were still scambling for thier
seats! Near pandemonium as the crowd is whipped into a

2. Mother

Great version, with Roger's very unique
vocals. Aptly with one of the female backup singers as Pink's
mother (replacing David Gilmour parts on The Wall album).
Dave Kilminster was damn good at mimicking David Gilmour
note-for-note, but obviously there's only one of the later.

3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

A great, modern version of this old
Floydian classic, with a kinda jazzy sax solo. With
an old video from the Sid Barrett days. Funtastic!

4. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part One)

I've never cried at a concert before
in my life....there was never a good reason. But
seeing pictures of a young, vibrant Sid Barrett on the
back screen, just must have broken me down. This
song is just soo fucking sad, when you know the history
of the band. Waters and the Floyd were a potent alchemy
for distilling pure emotion, and somehow bottling up that
emotion into a song. I wish they hadn't skipped Wright's
first synthesizer solo at the beginning, but nevertheless:

Somberly beautiful.

And for me, Roger actually sings this
song with more conviction and emotion than Gilmour
could ever do. There is something about Water's voice;
the way he struggles to stay in tune, and the pleading,
desperate tone of it, which worked so well on The Wall,
also hits home with this tune.

5. Have A Cigar

Roger could never sing this
in such slick technical fashion that Roy Harper
did on the album, but when Water's belts it out
loud, his voice can hit surprising high notes,
IN TUNE. And again, his tragic voice suits
the song.

6. Wish You Were Here

I missed Gilmour on the vocals
and guitars here, but still very nice, albiet over-played.

7. Southampton Dock

People started getting up
to go the bathroom, or get more beer during
this one. But still great to hear live.

8. The Fletcher Memorial Home

Another great Final Cut
tune. With asylum scenes on the screen.

9. Perfect Sense (Part I)
10. Perfect Sense (Part Ii)

This is the best tune
from the Amused to Death album. Sadly,
this could have been another one of the great
Pink Floyd anthems if Roger was still in the

11. Leaving Beirut

This was a brand new song, with
comic strips on the screen, and a bathroom break
for me. Hell no am i taking a piss during Dark Side of
the Moon! The lyrics to the song were in the bubbles
of the comics, with some mention of the Christian Right
fucking everything up. This elicited a strong reaction
from some in the crowd, with the girl behind me
saying Fuck You to Waters.

12. Sheep

This is when the famed Floyd pig
from Animals was let loose. Actually, it was tethered
to a fellow just walking it around, it's actually not super
huge. But i suppose they didn't want to chance the
thing blowing away again, like it has TWICE.
The pig had "IMPEACH BUSH" on
its ass! Very funny for me (someone who agrees),
but offended all the Southern Texas Conservatives
in the audience (Roger had to know which state he
was in!). This led to some boos at the end (mostly
drowned out by the applause).

Most of the crowd was too enthralled
with taking a pic of the pig with their camera-phones
to think about politics!


13. Speak To Me / Breathe

Pretty good vocals by Jon Carin,
but really highlights the fact that few people can
play echo slide guitar like Gilmour.

14. On The Run

Modern day version, with new
Speeding bullet train, and race car sections,
Fantastic video work by Waters and company.

15. Time

Roto-tom section was sorely
lacking the simple genius of Nick Mason.
Don't get me wrong; Graham Broad was
powerful on the drums, especially if the
song really rocks. But "TIME" requires
a delicate finesse, and an economy of notes,
to really hit home. Nick Mason is a sorely
under-rated drummer.

16. The Great Gig In The Sky

Obviously, nothing tops
Clare Torry's studio version. But I've read
that she did 3 hours worth of recording, and
that they pieced it together. And then
some said it was done in one take.
Nevertheless, it's unfair
to compare studio to live really. But
even among the live versions, either the Pulse
or Delicate Thunder version could still be the
best one.
I believe this was Katie Kissoon,
and although he style was bit weird for my
tastes, my jaw was still on the ground the whole
time. A lot of a familiar song's appeal comes from the
other versions that are floating around in your

17. Money

Overplayed for me, but still good
guitar work. Great use off the azimuth coordinator for
sound effects, which apparently Roger still uses.

18. Us And Them
19. Any Colour You Like

Some of the guitars were mixed a bit
too bright for me, and i had a feeling like the PA guy
was losing some perception in the high end.

20. Brain Damage

At this point, Roger unveils an
amazing piece of art: a 3-D Dark Side of the Moon
Pyramidal laser sculpture (about 8-10' tall), arranged
like the album cover, with the full laser rainbow
slicing through the audience and smoke. Fantastic
effect! Very Trippy Indeed (And i was Cold Dead Sober,
hehe)! This alone made the trip worth it.

21. Eclipse


22. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
23. Another Brick In The Wall, Pt. 2
24. Vera

Wow, what a pleasant surpise
to hear this song live. I'm certain that Roger picks
out the order of the songs better than the other guys.
This has got to be the benefit of seeing the
entire project as a single continuous unit.

25. Bring The Boys Back Home

Roger can still hit the
high notes if he's belting it out! Pics of
soldiers in Iraq, of course.

26. Comfortably Numb

Obligatory. But well

This fellas 64 years old, and he still
rocks out! And it's funny that he's very aware
of the wide appeal of his music, and how he
can still be honest about his political convictions.
How many artists can, or will, do this? Some
people think musicians should keep out of politics,
but i disagree in Roger's case.

This trip cost me nearly a grand (although
i explored the very cosmopolitan Houston as well),
but it was well worth it. It's funny how I used to be
more of a performer, but now i'm more of a consumer
again. Somehow, we need this thing called art and
music.....badly. Our souls have an appetite too.
Vesa-Matti Sarenius
2008-05-06 19:32:49 UTC
Post by Paul
Pretty good vocals by Jon Carin,
but really highlights the fact that few people can
play echo slide guitar like Gilmour.
That's because David thought Jon Carin "everything he knows" (David says
this on Remember That Night DVD when introducing the band.)
Vesa-Matti Sarenius, M.Sc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
mailto:***@koivu.oulu.fi * Music seems to help the pain *
Lecturer, mathematics education * R.I.P. Syd, my hero *
University of Oulu, Finland * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2008-05-06 21:44:52 UTC
Post by Vesa-Matti Sarenius
                    Pretty good vocals by Jon Carin,
but really highlights the fact that few people can
play echo slide guitar like Gilmour.
That's because David thought Jon Carin "everything he knows" (David says
this on Remember That Night DVD when introducing the band.)
Well, then he skipped the echo slide guitar lessons,
or Jon didn't get it. Some things are unteachable, really, like
finding a unique style. Gilmour has it. Others try to emulate
him, but fail.
2008-05-06 21:46:13 UTC
Post by Vesa-Matti Sarenius
                    Pretty good vocals by Jon Carin,
but really highlights the fact that few people can
play echo slide guitar like Gilmour.
That's because David thought Jon Carin "everything he knows" (David says
this on Remember That Night DVD when introducing the band.)
Well, then they skipped the echo slide guitar
lessons. Gilmour is often imitated, but he's too unique
to easily copy.
Vesa-Matti Sarenius
2008-05-07 02:59:12 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Vesa-Matti Sarenius
                    Pretty good vocals by Jon Carin,
but really highlights the fact that few people can
play echo slide guitar like Gilmour.
That's because David thought Jon Carin "everything he knows" (David says
this on Remember That Night DVD when introducing the band.)
Well, then they skipped the echo slide guitar
lessons. Gilmour is often imitated, but he's too unique
to easily copy.
I think that Gilmour cannot be copied...
Vesa-Matti Sarenius, M.Sc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
mailto:***@koivu.oulu.fi * Music seems to help the pain *
Lecturer, mathematics education * R.I.P. Syd, my hero *
University of Oulu, Finland * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2008-05-07 01:06:00 UTC
A pretended appearance of Keith Emerson at Roger Waters's show
http://blog.myspace.com/tonylortiz May 6th entry
2008-05-06 23:33:37 UTC
Post by Paul
3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
A great, modern version of this old
Floydian classic, with a kinda jazzy sax solo. With
an old video from the Sid Barrett days. Funtastic!
I saw Roger Waters in Montreal 2 years ago and I must say that this song was
the highlight of the show for me. A real treat in its more modern form, I
agree with you. I am looking forward to buy a DVD of this tour.
Post by Paul
9. Perfect Sense (Part I)
10. Perfect Sense (Part Ii)
This is the best tune
from the Amused to Death album. Sadly,
this could have been another one of the great
Pink Floyd anthems if Roger was still in the
Agreed. Although this song was composed many years ago, it is still so very
true today, IMHO. Maybe even more so.

Post by Paul
26. Comfortably Numb
Obligatory. But well done.
Nobody can do as moving a guitar solo in CF as David. Nobody! But still a
great song even when performed by Killminster, Bramhall and/or White.

2008-05-07 04:30:53 UTC
Post by Bassplayer12
� � � � �3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
� � � � � � � � � � � A great, modern version of this old
Floydian classic, with a kinda jazzy sax solo. �With
an old video from the Sid Barrett days. �Funtastic!
I saw Roger Waters in Montreal 2 years ago and I must say that this song was
the highlight of the show for me. A real treat in its more modern form, I
agree with you. I am looking forward to buy a DVD of this tour.
But if you cannot wait, there is the same
modern version of "Set the Controls" in Roger's
In the Flesh DVD.

Yes, i'm glad you enjoy it as
much or more than me. It's really a delight
to hear this live, as it brings back the Old
Tyme Floyd, from the Pompeii days. Hats off
to Adrian Maben (Director for "Pompeii"), who
has immortalized this tune in his movie.

Pink Floyd really did belong there...
...Their music is Timeless.
Post by Bassplayer12
� � � � �9. Perfect Sense (Part I)
� � � �10. Perfect Sense (Part Ii)
� � � � � � � � � � � This is the best tune
from the Amused to Death album. �Sadly,
this could have been another one of the great
Pink Floyd anthems if Roger was still in the
Agreed. Although this song was composed many years ago, it is still so very
true today, IMHO. Maybe even more so.
And it will continue, for as long as man
remains clinging to the material word. Which
will no doubt be a very long time.
Post by Bassplayer12
� � � � � � � �26. Comfortably Numb
� � � � � � � � � � � � �Obligatory. �But well done.
Nobody can do as moving a guitar solo in CF as David. Nobody! But still a
great song even when performed by Killminster, Bramhall and/or White.
Agreed. I was thinking this concert may have
been the best one i have ever been to in my life. Even
the Pink Floyd Oakland Colisseum shows back in '89 may
not have had the excitement i felt this weekend!

There was just such a thrill in the air with
Waters....he's really the Dark Side of the Floyd,
and really, it's his depressing outlook which
has captured the public for it's honesty.

I'd love to see the remaining shows
in Europe, but that would be a bit too much

I would love to see Roger and Pink
Floyd together again. Of course it can
never be the same as before, but one more
huge tour would rock! A last album would
be orgasmic, and would sell gazillions, even
if it consisted only of Roger passing gas!

Haha! Just kidding Rog...You know I
idolize you!
2008-05-13 21:38:24 UTC
I would love to see Roger and Pink
Floyd together again. Of course it can
never be the same as before, but one more
huge tour would rock! A last album would
be orgasmic, and would sell gazillions, even
if it consisted only of Roger passing gas!

I would be happy if they just did a 3 or 4 nights at the Royal Albert Hall
and make a DVD of it. Like cream.
Of course, a new song or two would be icing on the cake.
2008-05-07 02:10:22 UTC
Excellent review, thanks for sharing !
Post by Paul
I flew into Houston, Texas, just for this May 4th, Dark Side
the Moon concert.
Roger absolutely rocked out. It was scary how enthralled
and mesmerized we all were by this man's genius. All 16,550
tickets sold out at the Woodlands Pavilion. Both Roger and David
Gilmour know the power of the "Dark Side", both in terms of
getting people to go to the shows, and for introducing new/solo
material to the audience.
The large main projection screen (no Pink Floyd circle) in
the back started off with a bottle of whiskey next to a radio, as
the crowd slowly filled in the seats. Then a hand appears, pours
itself a drink, and dials the knob through the stations, sampling
Jazz and Country, and skipping the Disco. Obviously this was
Mr. Waters playing disk jockey, while tipping his hat to his "Radio
album, and setting up for "Wish You Were Here", which would
come later in the concert. Very creative start.
1. In The Flesh?
The no-brainer choice for the beginning of a
Roger Waters concert. People were still scambling for thier
seats! Near pandemonium as the crowd is whipped into a
2. Mother
Great version, with Roger's very unique
vocals. Aptly with one of the female backup singers as Pink's
mother (replacing David Gilmour parts on The Wall album).
Dave Kilminster was damn good at mimicking David Gilmour
note-for-note, but obviously there's only one of the later.
3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
A great, modern version of this old
Floydian classic, with a kinda jazzy sax solo. With
an old video from the Sid Barrett days. Funtastic!
4. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part One)
I've never cried at a concert before
in my life....there was never a good reason. But
seeing pictures of a young, vibrant Sid Barrett on the
back screen, just must have broken me down. This
song is just soo fucking sad, when you know the history
of the band. Waters and the Floyd were a potent alchemy
for distilling pure emotion, and somehow bottling up that
emotion into a song. I wish they hadn't skipped Wright's
Somberly beautiful.
And for me, Roger actually sings this
song with more conviction and emotion than Gilmour
could ever do. There is something about Water's voice;
the way he struggles to stay in tune, and the pleading,
desperate tone of it, which worked so well on The Wall,
also hits home with this tune.
5. Have A Cigar
Roger could never sing this
in such slick technical fashion that Roy Harper
did on the album, but when Water's belts it out
loud, his voice can hit surprising high notes,
IN TUNE. And again, his tragic voice suits
the song.
6. Wish You Were Here
I missed Gilmour on the vocals
and guitars here, but still very nice, albiet over-played.
7. Southampton Dock
People started getting up
to go the bathroom, or get more beer during
this one. But still great to hear live.
8. The Fletcher Memorial Home
Another great Final Cut
tune. With asylum scenes on the screen.
9. Perfect Sense (Part I)
10. Perfect Sense (Part Ii)
This is the best tune
from the Amused to Death album. Sadly,
this could have been another one of the great
Pink Floyd anthems if Roger was still in the
11. Leaving Beirut
This was a brand new song, with
comic strips on the screen, and a bathroom break
for me. Hell no am i taking a piss during Dark Side of
the Moon! The lyrics to the song were in the bubbles
of the comics, with some mention of the Christian Right
fucking everything up. This elicited a strong reaction
from some in the crowd, with the girl behind me
saying Fuck You to Waters.
12. Sheep
This is when the famed Floyd pig
from Animals was let loose. Actually, it was tethered
to a fellow just walking it around, it's actually not super
huge. But i suppose they didn't want to chance the
thing blowing away again, like it has TWICE.
The pig had "IMPEACH BUSH" on
its ass! Very funny for me (someone who agrees),
but offended all the Southern Texas Conservatives
in the audience (Roger had to know which state he
was in!). This led to some boos at the end (mostly
drowned out by the applause).
Most of the crowd was too enthralled
with taking a pic of the pig with their camera-phones
to think about politics!
13. Speak To Me / Breathe
Pretty good vocals by Jon Carin,
but really highlights the fact that few people can
play echo slide guitar like Gilmour.
14. On The Run
Modern day version, with new
Speeding bullet train, and race car sections,
Fantastic video work by Waters and company.
15. Time
Roto-tom section was sorely
lacking the simple genius of Nick Mason.
Don't get me wrong; Graham Broad was
powerful on the drums, especially if the
song really rocks. But "TIME" requires
a delicate finesse, and an economy of notes,
to really hit home. Nick Mason is a sorely
under-rated drummer.
16. The Great Gig In The Sky
Obviously, nothing tops
Clare Torry's studio version. But I've read
that she did 3 hours worth of recording, and
that they pieced it together. And then
some said it was done in one take.
Nevertheless, it's unfair
to compare studio to live really. But
even among the live versions, either the Pulse
or Delicate Thunder version could still be the
best one.
I believe this was Katie Kissoon,
and although he style was bit weird for my
tastes, my jaw was still on the ground the whole
time. A lot of a familiar song's appeal comes from the
other versions that are floating around in your
17. Money
Overplayed for me, but still good
guitar work. Great use off the azimuth coordinator for
sound effects, which apparently Roger still uses.
18. Us And Them
19. Any Colour You Like
Some of the guitars were mixed a bit
too bright for me, and i had a feeling like the PA guy
was losing some perception in the high end.
20. Brain Damage
At this point, Roger unveils an
amazing piece of art: a 3-D Dark Side of the Moon
Pyramidal laser sculpture (about 8-10' tall), arranged
like the album cover, with the full laser rainbow
slicing through the audience and smoke. Fantastic
effect! Very Trippy Indeed (And i was Cold Dead Sober,
hehe)! This alone made the trip worth it.
21. Eclipse
22. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
23. Another Brick In The Wall, Pt. 2
24. Vera
Wow, what a pleasant surpise
to hear this song live. I'm certain that Roger picks
out the order of the songs better than the other guys.
This has got to be the benefit of seeing the
entire project as a single continuous unit.
25. Bring The Boys Back Home
Roger can still hit the
high notes if he's belting it out! Pics of
soldiers in Iraq, of course.
26. Comfortably Numb
Obligatory. But well
This fellas 64 years old, and he still
rocks out! And it's funny that he's very aware
of the wide appeal of his music, and how he
can still be honest about his political convictions.
How many artists can, or will, do this? Some
people think musicians should keep out of politics,
but i disagree in Roger's case.
This trip cost me nearly a grand (although
i explored the very cosmopolitan Houston as well),
but it was well worth it. It's funny how I used to be
more of a performer, but now i'm more of a consumer
again. Somehow, we need this thing called art and
music.....badly. Our souls have an appetite too.
2008-06-22 07:10:33 UTC
Post by Paul
I flew into Houston, Texas, just for this May 4th, Dark Side
the Moon concert.
3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
A great, modern version of this old
Floydian classic, with a kinda jazzy sax solo. With
an old video from the Sid Barrett days. Funtastic!
Very good review. I attended the Dallas show and it was awesome...BTW, it's
Syd ;-)
Kylatte =^. .^=`
2008-06-24 22:46:28 UTC
"TJ" <
"Paul" <>>I flew into Houston, Texas, just for this May 4th, Dark Side
Post by Paul
the Moon concert.
3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
A great, modern version of this old
Floydian classic, with a kinda jazzy sax solo. With
an old video from the Sid Barrett days. Funtastic!
Very good review. I attended the Dallas show and it was awesome...BTW,
it's Syd ;-)
Yup, it's spelled SYd.
Missed that concert but saw RW back in 2000 with ThomP, and
another woman from here at The Gorge (outdoor ampitheater) in Washington
We had gread 'floor' seats, abour 10 rows back IIRC and as the sun set on a
beautiful night, we heard the opening 'helicopter' sounds, then zooooooom,
Roger's jet flew over right over our heads, and
I'm willing to bet nearly all of the fans there peed in unison. LOL.
The fans on top of the hill could see the jet coming.
Only ruckus was someone overturned a porta potty.
Great concert, great friends and a wonderful time was had by all.
Fond memories of that <G>
Yes, I passed out a few plastic kazoos and a bunch of us played along, Roger
didn't seem to notice, but I remember the remark Mark Brown made after I
poasted that.
Mark said something like "If you played that damn kazoo, I'd've kicked your
ass up onto the stage'...and I replied " Oooooo, then I'd been closer to him
In The Flesh" LOL.