Snowy White sucks ass
(too old to reply)
Disgruntled X
2007-02-14 07:12:01 UTC
Why does Roger keep using him? He's a robot with no soul. His leads
bring down the whole performance and I pity whoever has to do dual
leads with him on Comfortably Numb. He just plain sucks and needs to

I just listened to the Berlin Roio and the good guitar player started
it out fine, but Snowy would come in and drag it down to crap, so the
good guy could never recover.

Snowy has always sucked ass... why does Roger still use him? Is he
sucking his dick good or something? I need to know..

2007-02-16 23:13:23 UTC
bit harsh.
think the only one sucking dick is you......
Post by Disgruntled X
Why does Roger keep using him? He's a robot with no soul. His leads
bring down the whole performance and I pity whoever has to do dual
leads with him on Comfortably Numb. He just plain sucks and needs to
I just listened to the Berlin Roio and the good guitar player started
it out fine, but Snowy would come in and drag it down to crap, so the
good guy could never recover.
Snowy has always sucked ass... why does Roger still use him? Is he
sucking his dick good or something? I need to know..
2007-02-17 19:08:13 UTC
Excuse my confusion but are you wanting to know why Roger is sucking Snowy
off or are you wanting to know why he continues to use him as a guitarist?

Post by Disgruntled X
Why does Roger keep using him? He's a robot with no soul. His leads
bring down the whole performance and I pity whoever has to do dual
leads with him on Comfortably Numb. He just plain sucks and needs to
I just listened to the Berlin Roio and the good guitar player started
it out fine, but Snowy would come in and drag it down to crap, so the
good guy could never recover.
Snowy has always sucked ass... why does Roger still use him? Is he
sucking his dick good or something? I need to know..
Keith Vast
2007-03-07 00:44:37 UTC
Maybe, just maybe, RW is a better judge of musicianship than you are!!!!!
Post by Disgruntled X
Why does Roger keep using him? He's a robot with no soul. His leads
bring down the whole performance and I pity whoever has to do dual
leads with him on Comfortably Numb. He just plain sucks and needs to
I just listened to the Berlin Roio and the good guitar player started
it out fine, but Snowy would come in and drag it down to crap, so the
good guy could never recover.
Snowy has always sucked ass... why does Roger still use him? Is he
sucking his dick good or something? I need to know..
2007-03-31 22:27:33 UTC
Post by Disgruntled X
Why does Roger keep using him? He's a robot with no soul. His leads
bring down the whole performance and I pity whoever has to do dual
leads with him on Comfortably Numb. He just plain sucks and needs to
I just listened to the Berlin Roio and the good guitar player started
it out fine, but Snowy would come in and drag it down to crap, so the
good guy could never recover.
Snowy has always sucked ass... why does Roger still use him? Is he
sucking his dick good or something? I need to know..
Snowy White oozes blues. His whole "bring down the whole performance"
effect you are referring to is a welcome relief from the frantic
posing and noodling done by RW's most frequent choices of other guitar
players. He reminds one of the often cooling effect of the classic
Pink Floyd sound. He is a "robot with no soul" in your opinion,
perhaps, but only because his confident, calm, competent playing does
not require Angus Young antics to convince people he is an excellent
and worthy musician, and Roger Waters is lucky to have him, and we are
unfortunate in that it has prevented Snowy White (a truly under-rated
guitar player if there ever was one) from taking off with his own

2007-04-04 14:45:51 UTC
Will Snowy be touring with Roger? Anybody know?
2007-04-05 03:53:17 UTC
Post by Stephane
Will Snowy be touring with Roger? Anybody know?
He certainly did this year....I saw him at Shoreline, in San
Francisco, and Snowy was playing at his best.

2007-04-05 15:10:12 UTC
Post by tension_on_the_wire
Post by Stephane
Will Snowy be touring with Roger? Anybody know?
He certainly did this year....I saw him at Shoreline, in San
Francisco, and Snowy was playing at his best.
Thank You,

The first time I ever saw Snowy was when watching "The Wall" trib. I love
that DVD! He does an excellent job! As do the other musicians that

The next time I heard Snowy was some work he did with a couple music
friends I have in England. I find his name in the credits in a song called
"World Anthem" on Jimmy Johnson's website
www.da-vincibrothers.com No blazing guitar but a very nice song. I'd love
to see Snowy in concert with Roger. I'm looking forward to June.
2007-04-05 18:33:44 UTC
Post by Stephane
Post by Stephane
Will Snowy be touring with Roger? Anybody know?
He will be on tour with Roger this year. I hope to watch them in
Stockholm in abt 3 weeks. No ticket yet though, they sold out in no
time. Roger is immensely popular here.
Post by Stephane
The first time I ever saw Snowy was when watching "The Wall" trib.
He was also very good on "In The Flesh"

2020-06-06 21:47:45 UTC
Google shouldn't have been released, untill Gates had the search engine better refined. The search engine is terrible!! I guess old greedy Bill only cared about filling up his wallet. BS and to late to fix!!