Europe 2011
(too old to reply)
2010-05-12 16:12:07 UTC
Looking ahead - what are the better venues in Europe to see this show?

I'm partial to Spain, I've heard lots of good stories from friends who
have visited. I would also be interested in the Netherlands, I've
always wanted to visit and Italy, I have a friend living there now...

Any recommendations?

2010-05-12 23:29:11 UTC
Post by thomp
Looking ahead - what are the better venues in Europe to see this show?
Has there been any official info yet on a European tour in 2011?

2010-05-13 11:36:40 UTC
Post by thomp
Looking ahead - what are the better venues in Europe to see this show?
I'm partial to Spain, I've heard lots of good stories from friends who
have visited. I would also be interested in the Netherlands, I've
always wanted to visit and Italy, I have a friend living there now...
Any recommendations?
Europe? That's near France isn't it?
2010-05-13 22:59:21 UTC
Europe?  That's near France isn't it?
Yes, and not very far from Germany either.
2010-05-13 23:04:52 UTC
Post by progea
Post by brufy
Europe? That's near France isn't it?
Yes, and not very far from Germany either.
Isn't it just east of NY?
2010-05-14 23:42:53 UTC
Post by Gary
Post by progea
Europe?  That's near France isn't it?
Yes, and not very far from Germany either.
Isn't it just east of NY?
Sure but is it also east of Eden? ;)
2010-05-15 02:17:26 UTC
Post by progea
Sure but is it also east of Eden? ;)
Shall we send a nuclear submarine in search of it?
2010-05-15 13:50:56 UTC
Post by Gary
Post by progea
Sure but is it also east of Eden? ;)
Shall we send a nuclear submarine in search of it?
Maybe a yellow one, but after all we all live in a yellow submarine...
2010-05-14 08:41:06 UTC
Post by brufy
Post by thomp
Looking ahead - what are the better venues in Europe to see this show?
Europe? That's near France isn't it?
Reminds me of a thing in the 80's, where Americans were tested on
their knowledge of the wider world. When asked where Iran is located
the majority choose to pinpoint it as "between France and Japan".

This was at the time when a number of Americans where held hostage in
Iran, and there was daily speculation in the media if there would be
an invasion or not.

Carl Funk
2010-05-16 06:32:08 UTC
Post by Lars
Post by brufy
Post by thomp
Looking ahead - what are the better venues in Europe to see this show?
Europe? That's near France isn't it?
Reminds me of a thing in the 80's, where Americans were tested on
their knowledge of the wider world. When asked where Iran is located
the majority choose to pinpoint it as "between France and Japan".
This was at the time when a number of Americans where held hostage in
Iran, and there was daily speculation in the media if there would be
an invasion or not.
In 1979, one of my teachers showed our class an assignment he had given
his freshman class (that would be kids 14 years old, for those not
familiar with our American education system.) He gave them a sparse map
of North America, no man-made borders or names, just geographical
features like rivers, lakes, mountains; then he gave them a list of ten
places, and told them to mark on the map where they were.

Now, this was a simple list, like Washington, D.C., New York City,
Detroit (where they all lived!), Lake Michigan, Detroit River, Mexico,
Canada, etc. Most of the maps were hilariously wrong: most of the kids
had put Detroit right in the center of the map, while the rest had put
Washington right in the middle. None of them got Detroit in Michigan,
which is clearly distinctive. Some had the Mississippi River labeled as
the Detroit River, and Great Salt Lake labeled as Lake Michigan.

Yes, this was a Detroit public school, a system notorious for not
educating the students, but you would think even seeing a weather
forecast on TV would have been enough to locate Detroit in Michigan!

In the late 80s, I knew a guy who had come to Detroit from Iran.
Because of the hostage crisis in the 70s he was reluctant to admit where
he was from, so he told everybody he was from Canada. And they believed
him! I was pretty sure he was from Iran, because of his obvious Middle
Eastern appearance, his accent, and his name (Ehsan Rezaydadi.) My
suspicions were confirmed when, while staying in the same house, he
would get phone calls from his mother, calling from Teheran.
