"An Introduction to Syd Barrett" syncs with "Alice in Wonderland" (2010)
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Andrew C. Wendland
2010-10-20 02:37:49 UTC
20.10.2010 - My intuition was correct: "An Introduction to Syd
Barrett" syncs with "Alice in Wonderland" (2010). It is fascinating
how these wizards sequence these compilations to fit to movies. Hope
you enjoy this one. By the way, the version of Matilda Mother on this
CD has alternate lyrics with "nine, nine, nine" in the middle, and
"999" is on the green door in the booklet. My sync website moved to
MovieSyncs.com on 09.09.09. This could be a clue. On a different
note, I am very much looking forward to the Roger Waters concert this
weekend where he'll be performing The Wall. Remember that the
original album syncs with Alice in Wonderland (1951). Anybody out
there seeing these overlapping connections?

Syd Barrett - An Introduction to Syd Barrett (2010) syncs with Alice
in Wonderland (2010)

- sync grade = B
- discovered by Andrew Wendland in Oct. 2010
- revealed on 20.10.2010
- sync length = movie length (approx. 1 hour 49 minutes)
- start the CD at the beginning when the star and clouds in the sky
appear, which eventually form into the "Walt Disney Pictures" castle
- repeat the CD until the end of the movie
- the CD cover artwork is reminiscent of the Mad Hatter from the film
- the film is by Tim Burton and stars Johnny Depp

2010-10-20 12:47:28 UTC
The Wall Live 2010 Sept. 20th Toronto syncs with Metal Gear Solid
Twinsnakes opening Cinematic, the cinematic is about 20 mins long.