Waters Lookalike at Old Age?
(too old to reply)
2009-09-12 14:33:34 UTC
In this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118080/ this French singer
and actor http://www.astronode.de/archiv/04/dutronc-jacques/ looks
like an aging Waters. In fact, he's only three months older than the
late Wright and so about four months and ten days older than Waters.
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
2009-09-12 16:13:20 UTC
In this moviehttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118080/this French singer
and actorhttp://www.astronode.de/archiv/04/dutronc-jacques/looks
like an aging Waters. In fact, he's only three months older than the
late Wright and so about four months and ten days older than Waters.
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
I don't think it looks like Waters at any age..
Roger has much nicer eyes and hair..
Kyla =^..^=
2009-09-12 23:33:01 UTC

I don't think it looks like Waters at any age..
Roger has much nicer eyes and hair..

I didn't see it because progea is in my killfile, so I'll take your word for
Mark Rae
2009-09-13 01:31:50 UTC
Post by Kyla =^..^=
I didn't see it because progea is in my killfile
He's in mine too - has been for years...

Of course, I'm also (allegedly) in yours, so you'll not see this either...
Kyla =^..^=
2009-09-13 04:32:55 UTC
"Mark Rae"
"Kyla =^..^=" >
Post by Kyla =^..^=
I didn't see it because progea is in my killfile
He's in mine too - has been for years...
Of course, I'm also (allegedly) in yours, so you'll not see this either...
Ya thimk?
Yer talking about me in my killfile? progea asked me to put him in his
so I did. But every once in awhile someone escapes and It's too funny.
why did I killfile you ? I forget.
But you won't see this because I'm probably in your
killfile too, Mark. LOL

Kyla's Kylfile, I like that :)
Tales From The Kylfile
doo dee doo doo
2009-09-13 16:48:13 UTC
Post by Kyla =^..^=
Yer talking about me in my killfile?
You accidentally plonked yourself once, Wish it lasted.

progea asked me to put him in his
Post by Kyla =^..^=
I have no killfile. I asked you to put me into yours.
Post by Kyla =^..^=
why did I killfile you ?  I forget.
Not even you know why you kylfile all of us.
Post by Kyla =^..^=
But you won't see this because I'm probably in your
killfile too, Mark.  
Everybody is in his too as in yours too.
Post by Kyla =^..^=
Kyla's Kylfile, I like that :)
It's my (C), TM.
Post by Kyla =^..^=
Tales  From The Kylfile
doo dee doo doo
Cobb, your turn now, you too do a round with these guys now.
2009-09-14 14:20:10 UTC
Post by progea
Cobb, your turn now
Oops... it appears I've jumped out the killfile for a moment.... Now how did
that happen?

As requested.... a little something I knocked up earlier....

(best viewed in HD)

2009-09-13 16:45:13 UTC
Post by Mark Rae
He's in mine too - has been for years...
Everybody is in your killfile and also in her kylfile.
Post by Mark Rae
Of course, I'm also (allegedly) in yours, so you'll not see this either...
As above.
2009-09-13 16:44:34 UTC
Post by Kyla =^..^=
I didn't see it because progea is in my killfile,
Everybody is in your kylfile.

so I'll take your word for
Post by Kyla =^..^=
I wouldn't rely on her assessments.
2009-09-13 16:43:44 UTC
Post by luvprog
I don't think it looks like Waters at any age..
I only referred to his old age, as in the readable subject of this
Post by luvprog
Roger has much nicer eyes and hair..
Have you too at least watched the movie I linked in the original
posting of this thread before you posted this reply?
2009-09-13 20:46:06 UTC
Post by progea
Post by luvprog
I don't think it looks like Waters at any age..
I only referred to his old age, as in the readable subject of this
Post by luvprog
Roger has much nicer eyes and hair..
Have you too at least watched the movie I linked in the original
posting of this thread before you posted this reply?
I couldn't get beyond that pic,,,it didn't look like Rog at all.
Richard Gere looks much more like Rog.. but I'll watch the movie
just for you...
2009-09-14 14:47:45 UTC
Post by luvprog
I couldn't get beyond that pic,,,it didn't look like Rog at all.
I'm sorry I couldn't find a better, more relevant pic and I searched a
lot, trust me. Should have thought of making a screenshot from the
movie trailer or another clip if I had found one.
Post by luvprog
Richard Gere looks much more like Rog..
That's Wright, similar facial features.

but I'll watch the movie
Post by luvprog
just for you...
Not for me, for the comparison. Think of interviews Rog gave lately
and TV appearances he had, how he looked like lately. It will remind
you of these if you see that dam construction engineer character in
that movie.
2009-09-14 16:27:38 UTC
Post by progea
Post by luvprog
I couldn't get beyond that pic,,,it didn't look like Rog at all.
I'm sorry I couldn't find a better, more relevant pic and I searched a
lot, trust me. Should have thought of making a screenshot from the
movie trailer or another clip if I had found one.
that would be cool if you could make a screenshot from
the movie trailer...is there a link to the trailer?
maybe you already posted it,,,didn't see it if you did.

I think that Roger is much more attractive now than when he was
young..I think the opposite it true for David..(no offense)
2009-09-15 14:25:31 UTC
Post by luvprog
that would be cool if you could make a screenshot from
the movie trailer...is there a link to the trailer?
maybe you already posted it,,,didn't see it if you did.
I'm sorry, I searched again and still couldn't find anything else more
relevant. Can you get Canadian TV where you are? Yesterday I saw the
movie a third time in a few days on the same tv5.ca and I still hold
to what I said. Also, Karin Viard is hot in this movie.
Post by luvprog
 I think that Roger is much more attractive now than when he was
young..I think the opposite it true for David..(no offense)
In my humble opinion, Rog looked strangely interesting even back then,
unlike David. Also, stranged how Rog and Jacques Dutronc have aged to
almost the same look, after not looking alike when they were young.
2009-09-15 16:15:58 UTC
Post by progea
Post by luvprog
that would be cool if you could make a screenshot from
the movie trailer...is there a link to the trailer?
maybe you already posted it,,,didn't see it if you did.
I'm sorry, I searched again and still couldn't find anything else more
relevant. Can you get Canadian TV where you are? Yesterday I saw the
movie a third time in a few days on the same tv5.ca and I still hold
to what I said. Also, Karin Viard is hot in this movie.
Post by luvprog
 I think that Roger is much more attractive now than when he was
young..I think the opposite it true for David..(no offense)
In my humble opinion, Rog looked strangely interesting even back then,
unlike David. Also, stranged how Rog and Jacques Dutronc have aged to
almost the same look, after not looking alike when they were young.
I do get a CBC channel...so I can look for it there. Ever since they
off my Emmerdale soap, I've been avoiding that channel.
Kyla "=^..^="
2010-03-19 07:17:48 UTC
Post by progea
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
because I don't usually read this group and you're in my killfile on
Byte me dumshit.
Post by progea
I don't think it looks like Waters at any age..
Roger has much nicer eyes and hair..
Roger was singing in the movie The Last Mimzy and he looked and sounded
He's aging well :)
2010-03-19 08:10:11 UTC
Post by Kyla "=^..^="
Post by progea
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
because I don't usually read this group and you're in my killfile on
Killfiles aren't NG specific! Meaning... if Prog was in your
killfile... you wouldn't see ANY of his poasts on ANY NG!

Ya daft bullshitting old fuck:-)
Post by Kyla "=^..^="
Byte me dumshit.
2010-03-19 08:40:14 UTC
On 19/03/2010 07:17, Kyla "=^..^=" wrote:

bugger... I missed this gem:-)
Post by Kyla "=^..^="
Roger was singing in the movie The Last Mimzy and he looked and sounded
To us 'daft' people... can you please tell us where in the movie you saw
Roger singing? I heard him during the closing credits... but I didn't
see him? Was my DVD player broken? Or... are you talking daft again?:-0

Bart Simpson
2010-03-21 05:35:08 UTC
Post by Kyla =^..^=
Post by progea
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
because I don't usually read this group and you're in my killfile on
Byte me dumshit.
Post by progea
I don't think it looks like Waters at any age..
Roger has much nicer eyes and hair..
Roger was singing in the movie The Last Mimzy and he looked and sounded
He's aging well :)
Roger has high cheekbones.

And those eyes that take you to Renée Zellweger, who is of Sami origin.
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-09-15 16:54:35 UTC
Post by progea
In this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118080/ this French singer
and actor http://www.astronode.de/archiv/04/dutronc-jacques/ looks
like an aging Waters. In fact, he's only three months older than the
late Wright and so about four months and ten days older than Waters.
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
Here's quite a lengthy segment of clips with him in it....

2009-09-15 18:00:27 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
In this moviehttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118080/this French singer
and actorhttp://www.astronode.de/archiv/04/dutronc-jacques/looks
like an aging Waters. In fact, he's only three months older than the
late Wright and so about four months and ten days older than Waters.
By the way, Kyla, why didn't you poast birthday when Waters turned 66
last week?
Here's quite a lengthy segment of clips with him in it....
thanks,,, I see the resemblance
wish I had continued my french lessons though, love the language
so romantic...je ne comprend pas francais...or is it 'nais"
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-09-16 03:29:10 UTC
Post by luvprog
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Here's quite a lengthy segment of clips with him in it....
thanks,,, I see the resemblance
wish I had continued my french lessons though, love the language
so romantic...je ne comprend pas francais...or is it 'nais"
I can see a slight resemblence but I'd still go with the Richard Gere view.
Maybe the clip I posted doesn't show the full resemblence that Prog talks
of? One things for sure though... he's definitely got better looking with
2009-09-16 15:18:26 UTC
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Post by luvprog
Post by The Cobblers Apprentice
Here's quite a lengthy segment of clips with him in it....
thanks,,, I see the resemblance
wish I had continued my french lessons though, love the language
so romantic...je ne comprend pas francais...or is it 'nais"
I can see a slight resemblence but I'd still go with the Richard Gere view.
Maybe the clip I posted doesn't show the full resemblence that Prog talks
of?  One things for sure though... he's definitely got better looking with
That's it. You're good, Gary. The movie is from 1996. Sure, the clip
still doesn't do justice to what I was saying but if you get a chance
to watch the entire movie it will do. However, I don't know about you
but even in the scarce/sparse appearances of Jacques Dutronc in this
clip I could still see the resemblance with Waters at old age. Also,
in this clip you also see Karin Viard for one second only. Boy, is she
hot. Finally, for now, I always laugh at how Vincent Lindon seems to
get in movies only roles that are on-the-run. The end of the movie is
stupid. Duval (Vincent Lindon) walks away after realizing how Claire
(Karin Viard) and Bernard Jadillac (Jacques Dutronc) used him and made
Jadillac's mistress disappear.
The Cobblers Apprentice
2009-09-19 19:09:29 UTC
Post by progea
That's it. You're good, Gary. The movie is from 1996. Sure, the clip
still doesn't do justice to what I was saying but if you get a chance
to watch the entire movie it will do. However, I don't know about you
but even in the scarce/sparse appearances of Jacques Dutronc in this
clip I could still see the resemblance with Waters at old age.
Yeah, I can see the resemblence and am just downloading the whole movie to
give it a proper viewing.
Post by progea
Also,in this clip you also see Karin Viard for one second only. Boy, is she
Post by progea
Finally, for now, I always laugh at how Vincent Lindon seems to
get in movies only roles that are on-the-run. The end of the movie is
stupid. Duval (Vincent Lindon) walks away after realizing how Claire
(Karin Viard) and Bernard Jadillac (Jacques Dutronc) used him and made
Jadillac's mistress disappear.
I can't say I'm familiar with his works although I am big fan of non-English

I recently watched an excellent German film titled 'Der Untergang'
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363163/ and was blown away by the power of the
main characters performance!! Was also really good to see a WWII movie from
the German perspective rather than an Hollywood version of events! Highly
recommended to those that 1) speak German 2) can read subtitles, or 3) have
an attention span greater than 5 minutes:)

Ahh... Watched Lars von Trier's 'Antichrist'
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0870984/ the other evening.... wow! I've been a
fan of his works since Dogville but this movie is amazing! There was a
couple of places in the movie that I had to turn away but what an excellent
movie!! Cinematography is just beautiful and coupled with Charlotte
Gainsbourg's outstanding acting this is a must see film for fans and those
that aren't afraid of difficult subjects!! Definitely not one for the